How To Use Docugram

Docugram is a free whiteboard and flowcharting app with AI features for Pro users. This page will guide you through the basic functionalities and features of the app.

Converting a Document to a Flowchart

  • How: Once the document is cleared, the create form will appear. You can paste your document or prompt here.
  • What can you paste? Docugram works with both notes or outlines (documents) and explicit prompts like "create a diagram of XYZ". Feel free to experiment! If the result isn't satisfactory, please let us know so we can improve the AI.
  • Note: You must be signed in to edit.

Creating a New Blank Project

To start a new project: Click the plus symbol to create a new blank project.

To reset the current graph, click the trash can icon.

How to Edit a Flowchart

  • Add nodes and frames (groups of nodes) by dragging them from the sidebar.
  • Click a node to edit its contents.
  • Use markdown to format your text with bold, italics, lists, and other supported elements.

Layout Options

  • Docugram offers several auto-layout options. Click the auto layout button and select one. Adjust the parameters by clicking and dragging.
  • Click the tidy button (the broom icon) in the toolbar to clean up your layout. This will align nodes along the same axis and generally improve the appearance.

Save and Load

Docugram allows you to save your files locally, giving you control over your data. You can share projects using your existing infrastructure (Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.).

  • Click the title bar in the top left to name your project.
  • Click Save in the title bar to save your project to a local file.
  • Load a project by clicking the same Save button and selecting your file.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our support team.